A little something about me

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 30.1

Programmed machinery.

"We are born. Go to school. Take our exams. Go to college. Go to university. Get a job. Get married. Start a family. Grow old. Collect our pension. Die.

Where's the break away? Our lives are pretty much laid before us from the moment of conception. Our parents have ideas about what they want us to do or, would like us to do. with our lives before we've even uttered our first word. We have the ability to choose a preferred job etc but what happened to our freedom? We don't need all of these qualifications to have a good life. We need them to get a job but is that really true? Why doesn't experience and passion have anything to do with it? I want to show how everything is pretty much pre-determined and how we should all,even in the smallest way,break out and have our freedom. Our own choice to do what we really want as opposed to what we are meant to want.

Be free,express yourself and don't be afraid to live how you want.

Life should be an opportunity not a routine and I want to show that by finding something that captivates you,can lead you onto whatever you want.

I am proof of that.

Tradition is past. Become the present and future."

This was written when I was 19. A young girl of 19 with big passions and the desire to break from the stereotypical mold; of which, I have done. I have not followed the usual pattern of a typical or traditional way life is supposed to be. Have you?

Hannah xox

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