A little something about me

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Day 32.

Sleepy. She was feeling more tired than she had felt in a long time. Yet she was awake. Wide awake. Too awake to even know how to comprehend how she was feeling.

Today was good. Sort of. Work provided it's usual Thursday joy with the fun of a shopping trip for one of my clients. I am given an hour to do it. It takes nearly two. Now, she is a pleasant enough lady but good God she can talk and talk and talk and talk...I have tried everything to get her to shorten her half an hour pep talk before I am actually 'permitted' to leave in vain. Nothing works. Not only does this mean that I only have half an hour to do the shop, park and unpack, it also means I don't get paid for it. This displeases me. A lot. Even the office, when I asked, don't know what I can do. It is pitiful to say the least. Yet I survived today. No thanks to the Airbourne revellers stealing all the close parking spaces. Yeah, thanks for that, really appreciated. I reckon they need to provide designated carer spaces. Everywhere. Just a thought...

It's funny how breaking up with someone is hard enough let alone all the other crap that has to happen at the same time. Now, there's being strong and then there's drowning. I am in between. It'd be nice for one day, just one (I'm not greedy), that people left me alone. Well, the people who seem hell bent on stirring things up. That would be really good. Just one day without worrying, feeling uncomfortable or whatever. Hmm. If I could encourage you to do one thing it would be 'listen to your gut instinct' because you are usually right, every time. I certainly have been in the past. Pay attention to what you feel at that moment in time. Take in what people are telling you but at the end of it all, make your own mind up. Don't be ashamed of being you. Don't be ashamed of liking something when others don't. Don't let people rule your mind. Or your heart.

It's my last day tomorrow of my 'extra shift week' and I've actually really enjoyed it! I don't want to jinx anything now but it's been full of laughs, experiences and wonderful people. Long may it continue...apart from tomorrow evening...that should be interesting.

Hannah xox

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