A little something about me

Monday, 9 September 2013

Day 57.

With a fairly unassuming mind she wasn't quite prepared for the barrage of emotions she was feeling. It was all new to her. She wasn't able to understand it all anymore. Was she really the fool?
"He looked. That cheeky grin sweeping across his face. As he sat. Naked. His arms lifted. His hands outreached. The glint in his eye was all too assuming. It was too late. He had done it. She let out a little shriek. She jumped back and looked. He giggled. He turned in to a little boy and gave that face you couldn't be angry with. She smiled. 'Enough of that young man. You know you'll get in to trouble.' He looked up with that naughty little smile. 'Oooops it wasn't me.' She shook her head in disbelief." That, my friends is, how my morning went. Full on boob grab. 

I have spent the last half an hour searching for beautiful meditation music. I, for some unknown reason, have lost all of mine and starting from scratch is really hard work. Considering the vast amounts of it out there. I am somewhere between a babbling stream and a Tibetan monk. It's peaceful here. I like meditating for the simple reason that it can just give me that step back from the outside world that I desperately need sometimes. It allows me to clear my mind entirely and just 'be'. It is an art being able to think without thinking.

Spending my time around truly wonderful, loving people I began to wonder about the concept of perfection and whether it is actually possible to find another person who is perfect for us. Is there such a thing? I, personally, don't believe in perfection. I don't believe in it because it doesn't give anyone room to grow and improve. If you are told you are perfect you have nowhere else to go. You have fulfilled your potential and now will remain at that level. I like flaws in people. I like to know that I am dealing with a human rather than some robot who has been programmed to be that way without any sign of compassion, love or warmth from inside. I like the fact that people make mistakes and do silly things. It makes them interesting. Each with a story to tell. Each with lessons on how they dealt with certain situations. Each with wisdom. 

Finding the perfect person would be near on impossible. I don't necessarily think there is only one person for everyone but I do think that we are all lucky to meet at least one person in our lives who can really change us for the better, whether we stay with them or not. People come in and out of our lives for a reason. It is our task to benefit from each of them, share the love and try to understand how they can make us a better person. We are also faced with those who challenge us. Challenge our beliefs, our morals, our usual way of thinking. There are those who will bring difficulty to our lives. The lesson here is removing them. Learning when to say 'enough is enough', refreshing our entire existence to move us back on track. It is uplifting, empowering and relaxing. I can honestly say, I have not felt so uplifted since I changed my way of thinking and the way I am as a person. It really is a transformation. Maybe not everyone can see it yet but I can feel it and that's all that matters. 

I feel like I'm on Cloud 9 most of the time. I have this semi-permanent smile on my face and I am appreciating every little thing that happens in my day. I am making plans, I am starting new adventures and I am being the kind of person I would want to meet. I am by no means perfect but I accept that others can change so it's now time for people to accept that I have too.

Hannah xox

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